Bespoke Physical Therapy

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Can BPPV be resolved after 43 years?

     Angela told me during our consultation that she had been experiencing severe dizziness every time she lays down, rolls over, sits up… all of the typical symptoms of BPPV… since 1980!

     When it came time to test and treat her BPPV, Angela was understandably very nervous, but made it through like a champion.

     The following week, Angela returned and both she and her husband exclaimed that, for the first time in over 40 years she was able to now lay down without severe dizziness… or any dizziness at all for that matter! We both are overjoyed that she gave it a shot, and may have both even gotten a little teary-eyed in our elation.

     If you have a case of seemingly normal or odd vertigo, that has been going on for a long time or a few days, please reach out!  Phone consultations are complimentary, and can give a very good indication of whether PT is 99% likely to solve the dizziness, 50% likely, or quite unlikely all together.  I pride myself in honesty, and, although no one can guarantee results, I will give you my best advice based on many years of experience treating dizzy (and then no longer dizzy!) people.   

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